Test Proctoring

Students taking a test at desks

Loudoun County Public Library branches provide test proctoring services to Loudoun County residents. Please contact the desired branch to make arrangements.


The student must:

  • Be a Loudoun County resident.
  • Verify that the testing institution accepts LCPL's proctoring guidelines.
  • Verify that the branch has received the examination.
  • Allow sufficient time to take the examination before the deadline that has been established by the institution. LCPL will hold tests for 6 months or the test's stated deadline.
  • Bring an appropriate photo ID on the exam day.
  • Come prepared with the necessary or required supplies to take the examination.
  • Pay 10 cents per page for all prints of examination materials.
  • Provide postage in the event that the institution has not enclosed a return, prepaid envelope. Allow 7-10 days for normal US Mail delivery or make other prepaid delivery arrangements to return the completed exam to the institution.


LCPL can:

  • Proctor examinations for individual students who have made advance arrangements, dependent on the branch’s circumstances.
  • Receive examinations by mail or email.
  • Store the examinations in a secure area and maintain password security for electronic examinations.
  • Verify the student’s identity with a photo ID.
  • Certify that the student has taken the exam within a specified time.
  • Return examinations by email.
  • Mail the completed exam back to the institution via a prepaid method.

LCPL cannot:

  • Provide a private place for testing.
  • Provide a staff member to monitor the exam continuously.
  • Verify that the student had no access to materials or assistance.
  • Designate a specific staff person to serve as proctor for all examinations taken by students. Proctoring services are provided by available, qualified staff.
  • Reserve Internet use. LCPL provides Internet stations on a first-come, first-served basis as well as free public WiFi for laptops. The student is responsible for following and understanding LCPL's Internet policies and procedures.
  • Grade examinations.
  • Keep copies of exams after they have been sent.