By using a Makerspace, you agree to the following rules. Failure to adhere to these guidelines will result in the revocation of access to Loudoun County Public Library’s Makerspaces.
- Children age 12 and younger must be directly supervised by a parent or guardian.
- Equipment must be used in a safe and proper manner. You assume responsibility for the cost of repairing or replacing equipment damaged by improper use.
- Ask staff if you need assistance.
- You must maintain a safe workspace by keeping it free of debris and clutter.
- You must immediately alert staff to accidents, injuries and/or damaged or unsafe equipment.
- LCPL reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to refuse or halt the production of any content. The following types of content will not be produced, including but not limited to:
– Content that poses a threat to the safety or well-being of others;
– Components or replicas of weapons, whether functional, non-functional, or intended as props or toys;
– Content that violates LCPL policies;
– Content that is prohibited by local, state, or federal law; or
– Content that infringes upon the intellectual property rights of others.
- You agree to pay any applicable fees for materials. Loudoun County Public Library is not responsible for any defects regardless of their cause. This includes, but is not limited to, defects caused by user error or improper use of materials and equipment.